10 things Punxsutawney Phil might have said today…If groundhogs could talk

Feb 02, 13

10. “How am I supposed to see anything with the sun and all those damn camera flashes in my eyes. Where the hell are my Ray-Bans?”

9. “Hey dude in the hat holding me. Wanna buy me dinner first?”

8. “Of course I didn’t see The Shadow. That movie was in the theaters for like a day.”

7. “Ned? Ned Ryerson? Needlenose Ned?”

6. “Yes, yes, no shadow. Send your credit card numbers to [email protected] if you ever want to this early spring thing to happen again.”

5. “These stiffs must not have the Interwebs or the wifis. If they looked at my Wikipedia page, they’d know I’ve been right less than 40 percent of the time.”

4. “Hey dude in the hat holding me. Make sure that guy behind you knows he’s not aloud to eat the groundhog. Dude’s looking at me like a 400-pound college student eyes a McRib.”

3. “You guys want to cover a real story? Why don’t you try and find out what the heck a Gobbler’s Knob is anyway.”

2. “Even if I had seen my shadow, its only six more weeks of winter. Ever been to Chicago? Winter ends in June.”

1. “Are we through yet? I need to get my brisket on the smoker. Found this solid recipe on Pinterest. This Super Bowl party won’t plan itself, you know.”

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