Video: Joe Fernandez talks Klout at SXSW

March 14, 2011


Influence is a hot topic at SXSW. Imagine that. And Klout CEO Joe Fernandez was talking about it in the blogger lounge yesterday. Here’s what he had to say:


I caught up with Joe after the interview and had a chance to chat with him briefly. He made a couple of key points:

  • Klout is now tracking Facebook and LinkedIn in addition to Twitter. You may have known that, but I wasn’t aware. Klout has plans to track up to 20 platforms in the near future, according to Joe.
  • Joe reiterated that Klout IS NOT a one-stop influence measurement tool. According to him, it is one of many influence factors people and brands should be considering to research influencers.

Look, I think you make the argument that Klout’s marketing goes against what Joe says and that they are pushing the cache of the score. Hell, it’s their business. And I’m still not a huge fan. But let’s all agree on one additional point:

We cannot expect Joe or anyone from the Klout team to educate us all on proper PR and marketing practices or make up for our laziness and want for a universal influence tool. Joe actually understands this — at least in private conversations. Do you?

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