10 best practices for blogger outreach to moms
If you could give one piece of advice about pitching moms who blog, what would it be? (Image credit: Momlogic.com)
According to eMarketer, one in eight moms who are online blog. Think about that. Now add in that 75 percent of moms use social media sites. We’ve been doing blogger outreach at FHKC since long before I got here, but those numbers still astound me. And with the proliferation smartphone usage — 50 percent of the U.S. will have smartphones by the end of 2011 — it seems moms are going to be spending even more time online moving forward.
So how do we reach this key audience? It seems like moms are recognized as an important consumer group that needs to be on PR pros’ radar screens. But how many of us are consistently managing campaigns where moms are a target audience and thus, mom bloggers a target media? Each time I ask the number seems to grow. And I would be very interested to hear what’s working and what’s not working for you in those programs.
Here are a few best practices I’ve learned over the last couple of years that have helped me make a connection for our clients when pitching moms who blog:
1. Research before pitching. Form a project team and assign at least a couple of people to research the bloggers that make the most sense for your client. Check for traffic numbers, but also relevancy to the brand and the blogger’s tone. Compile all bloggers into one comprehensive list for the team to use.
2. Develop a message summary. This is a great way to make sure everyone is on the same page message-wise when you pitch. Just make sure you leave spots for customization. Never pitch by just cutting and pasting the message summary in an e-mail and hitting send. It’s a guide, not a ghostwrite.
3. Check for relationships. If someone on your pitch team knows one of the bloggers or has worked with her before, he/she should get priority to pitch that particular blogger. We all respond better to someone we know.
4. Start with the blogger’s About page. When I am pitching bloggers, I always look for something I have in common with them. For instance, the other day one of the moms I was pitching referenced that she was a big Bon Jovi fan. I am a huge Jovi fan. When Maggie and I got married, our first dance was “I’ll be there for you.” We have been to several concerts. On and on. Anyway, it was a perfect way to connect with the blogger. She responded to my pitch and is working with us.
5. Read the blogger’s blog. And not just the first post. This may sound obvious, but take some time getting to know the mom and what she writes about. And read the comments on her posts as well. Find an in that makes since with what you are pitching and reference it in your outreach. One time I pitched a blogger whose son’s favorite color was purple and he liked to wear crowns. That was the brand color and logo of my client, so that was the connection I used.
6. The kids rule. Find out how many children the mom you are pitching has. Don’t reference her daughter if she only has a son. Don’t only mention her child if she has children (more than one). And make sure you know the age of her children and how it relates to your pitch.
7. E-mail, then contact form. An e-mail is a more personal way to reach out and you have more control over your pitch formatting. Some bloggers don’t provide an e-mail address and the contact form is your only option. But if you can find the e-mail address, use it.
8. Be conversational. Moms are people. Talk to them that way. Historically, PR pros have been sort of rigid or formal in our communications and it’s easy to fall into that trap when we pitch. But take the advice we give our clients. Show some personality. Use a smiley face emoticon if you want . Ask how it’s going. Be tactful, but be transparent.
9. Get the blogger’s name right…and proofread the rest of your pitch too. You may laugh when you read this, but don’t be so quick to crack up. I’ve visited some mom’s blogs where it took me quite a while to find the writer’s name. But it was worth it for that extra bit of personalization. Plus, I think more and more bloggers are instantly deleting pitches with no name. And before you send your pitch, make sure to proof it. Sloppy grammar and style isn’t just a turn off to journalists.
10. Follow through. On the initial pitch you sent. On the product you owe to the blogger and her readers if you’re doing a giveaway. On the blogger’s post and reaction from her community. It could be the difference between just landing a post for your client and potentially gaining a brand ambassador and an opportunity for your company to engage with the blogger’s community.
Those are the 10 tips that really stuck out to me. Are you doing blogger outreach to moms for your clients? What would add to the list? What’s worked well for you and what hasn’t? The comments are yours.
- Blogdash Blog » Blog Archive » The Best of Blogger Outreach Posts Roundup #28 - [...] remember Justin Goldsborough from JUSTin CASE. His article is an easy and simple guide of the 10 best practices ...
- Doktor Spinn’s Daily PR Links | DOKTOR SPINN - [...] 10 best practices for blogger outreach to moms [...]
- Let’s Talk About How We Talk About Blogger Outreach - [...] 10 best practices for blogger outreach to moms (justincaseyouwerewondering.com) [...]
These are really great points Justin, but I can’t help but add to your first point that if you have the budget there are tools that will help you cut out a lot of time and money spent on compiling this data. One of my colleagues from Traackr actually recently wrote a post on manual influencer discovery and how costly it can become. You can check it out here - http://traackr.com/blog/2011/06/manual-influencer-discovery/.
I also appreciate how thorough you are in finding out who these people really are. Whether it’s a mom or a 20-something single guy I totally agree that this kind of research needs to happen before reaching out.
From the other side of the table, as a blogger I think you should add don’t be pushy and that if you have a need-by date, tell us.
~ Rose NetWorkingWitches.com
@CourtV Good point on using tools to help. We actually still use Technorati a lot. And I know others use Klout or Traackr. If they are using them solely as a starting point, I can see value in that. To be honest, we usually get the best blogger recommendations from other bloggers. Once we research and find a core group that fit the client’s target, we can often find like-minded bloggers from their blogrolls or bloggers they mention in posts. Thanks for stopping by. Cheers!
@RoseRedNeckWitch Thanks, Rose. Always appreciate the blogger perspective. In fact, about six months ago we put together a panel of moms who blog for one of our clients and all four moms on the panel gave the same advice you did — they would like the brands to outline what type of post, relationship and deadline they are looking for. Good point
I think these are great points. One thing that I’ve been struggling with is finding the balance between finding a connection and maintaining professionalism. I would never pitch a traditional PR outlet by connecting about our love Bon Jovi (even though Bon Jovi ROCKS). So where’s that line? I guess it depends on your company/project/blogger/etc. Because bloggers aren’t traditional outlets, but they’re still professionals.
Also, don’t tell me what other bloggers are doing your posts for. I don’t care if 20 bloggers did it out of the goodness of their hearts.
And don’t make my compensation high resolution photographs.
And check to see if the blogger has multiple blogs. My personal blog may not be a good fit for a cooking item, but my foodie blog certainly is
@AnneHogan Hi there, Anne. Thanks for stopping by. You have hit on an important point…bloggers are not journalists. There is a difference. That said, I think we are stepping away from the rigid, proper media relations interactions so many of us have practiced or been taught in the past. It’s all about relationships, plain and simple. And I think that goes for bloggers and journalists the same in many cases.
@06lisam Thanks for stopping by. That is a really good point. Many bloggers have multiple blogs and they may do giveaways on one but not the other. Research and actually reading the blogs of the folks we are pitching is not negotiable. At least not in my mind.
As a mom who blogs and often works with PR/brands, you have definitely figured out the {not-so} secret recipe! It is all about connecting. As bloggers, we really don’t ask for much. But we do ask that you get our names right. Starting an email with “Dear Mommy Blogger” or “Dear {name of blog}” is a sure-fire way to get your email deleted and never read. Great job, Justin! I would be proud to work with someone like you