Kellye Crane talks about the #SoloPR community she built from scratch, her work with the Atlanta Social Media Club and what it felt like to relocate from New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina.
Want to know how to build a community from the ground up? Kellye Crane knows. She’s started #SoloPR as a blog and has expanded it to a weekly Twitter chat and a group of solo communicators who rely on each other. Want to know what it was like to lose your home during Katrina and be forced to relocate. Kelley knows that too, which is why the American Red Cross is always the first cause organization she talks about when asked.
Kellye talked #SoloPR, Hurricane Katrina and more when she sat down with me on 52 Comms Mixup.
Here are the questions we discussed:
- Talk to me about being a solo PR pro and your vision behind #solopr Twitter chat and community.
- You recently wrote a blog post on getting your idea approved, an area I think we could all always use help in. How do you convince someone to change his/her mind?
- The Atlanta Social Media Club is a hobby of yours? Tell us what plans you’ve got in store for the group.
- The last question in 52 Comms Mixup is where I ask about your favorite cause or area of passion. What movement organization would you like to call attention to?
April 3, 2011
52 Comms Mix Up