Guest post over at Deirdre Breakenridge’s place: A pitch to PR to focus more on owned properties

October 12, 2011

Guest posts

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Hi, all. Been traveling this week so I’m taking some time away from the blog. But I did write a couple of guest posts, including this one called “A pitch for PR to focus more on earned properties” over at Deirdre’s blog PR 2.0. Would love to hear your thoughts. Here’s a sneak peek:

What if I was writing this blog post with only the hope that it would be published? What if I took the time to research the topic, identify the story, and find the case studies with no guarantee anyone but me would ever see any of that work come to fruition? What if I was completely reliant on a third party to decide if my post has what it takes to make it to the Internet?

Sounds absurd, right? Well, companies and agencies take this approach all the time. They spend hours researching and putting together a story to share with the media and the bloggers in the form of a pitch. Then they conduct their outreach and hope to earn placements in a top-tier newspaper or with a blogger in their niche. But that’s where it stops. And that’s where companies aren’t getting the most out of the content they are creating.

Read the rest of the post here…

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