5 people you have to meet at SXSW this week
Mar 08, 13

SXSW is an incredible experience. But it can be a bit overwhelming at times. However, if you focus on meeting the five people below you’ll leave Austin with:
- Several new friends
- Renewed sense of direction
- Smartphone with full battery
- Colored bracelet collection that would make any 5-year-old jealous
- Full, potentially queasy stomach
1. The Networker
- Characteristics:
- Will walk up and talk to anyone, including a walking, talking phone.
- Looks you in the eye when talking to you, not over your head at the next person he plans to talk to.
- This person is a connector, who spends as much time introducing others as talking about himself.
- Find him:
- In the Samsung Blogger Lounge.
2. The Geo-locator
- Characteristics:
- Must have a smartphone with a maps application on it, even if name is Lewis or Clark.
- Doesn’t have a bit of Clark Griswold in him; IOW will admit when he’s lost.
- When you mention Foursquare, he pulls out his smart phone, not a large rubber ball and a box of sidewalk chalk.
- Find him:
- Walking to non-Convention Center session venues. Everybody knows where the Convention Center is.
3. The Power Courier
- Characteristics:
- Carries multiple chargers, including those that are USB connection friendly.
- Offers a way for you to charge your phone, iPad or computer while on the move (e.g. a jacket with plugins or a wireless charger pad).
- Never bogarts an outlet for an extended period of time and can always find an outlet at a restaurant or bar.
- Find him:
- Near an outlet, right?
4. The Party Planner
- Characteristics:
- Registered for every SXSW party you’ve heard of and a few you haven’t.
- Rocks free drink wrist gear like their friendship or snap bracelets.
- Always on the VIP list and can get you in…sometimes.
- Find him:
- At the front of the line.
5. The Food Truck Connoisseur
- Characteristics:
- Starts talking about food trucks every night about 10 p.m.
- Starts talking about how awesome the Korean tacos were the night before every morning by 10 a.m.
- Always buys an extra taco or whatever the food truck is selling. Says it’s for a friend, but secretly plans to eat it himself.
- Find him:
- Third, Fourth, Fifth or Sixth Street. After midnight. Tacos in hand.