52 Comms Mixup video 4: Matt LaCasse
On the left, you see Matt LaCasse. Now, I'm not saying on the right you also see Matt. But he's a huge Iowa Hawkeyes fan, so you never know.
One of the biggest advantages to doing a video series like this is getting to meet people F2F — over Skype — that I’ve known online for a long time. Matt is a great example. We originally met during the first HAPPO (Help A PR Pro Out) Twitter event more than a year ago. Matt was looking for a new opportunity and I was trying to help him out.
Today, I’m pretty sure Matt could teach me a thing or 12. In fact, he did teach me a few things in the interview. Some about PR and some about Iowa sports. Here his interview and the questions below:
- You’re holding down two professional gigs, sir. One is at Kimber Media. Went out to the site and read this, which I loved: “We understand the difference between blindly shouting to the world, and having intimate conversations with the customers who are most likely to reward you.” Explain to me how you all do this at Kimber.
- Your second job is working with the kids at Boys and Girls Club or West Central Missouri. I know you’re doing some cool things with these kids because you did a VFW Foundation video for a project I worked on last year where the kids talked about how Vets Day made them feel. It was incredible. What are you and the BGC kids up to these days?
- Ok, so your about.me page says you’re an Iowa Hawkeyes, Chicago Cubs and KC Chiefs fan. How does one develop such a divergent map of favorite teams?
- The last question is always about a cause or organization you’re passionate about. What’s your favorite and why?
Finally, if you have an extra couple of minutes, check out this video Matt made last November with his Boys and Girls Club kids to honor Veterans Day. Really amazing and inspiring work!
Thanks again Justin! Very awesome of you to have me be the subject of this week’s #52CommsMixUp
@MattLaCasse Absolutely, thank you for the time and all the great work you’re doing for our industry and with Boys & Girls Club. Hope we can make the Cubs/Royals game happen in June. Cheers.
Nice work Justin to profile Matt! Couldn’t think of a better person to talk to for your series.
Keep the good stuff coming!
@JasMollica Thanks, Jason. Appreciate that. It as easy because we were able to talk KC sports and Big Ten football. And Northwestern routinely beats Iowa, so I got to remind @MattLaCasse of that fact
@JGoldsborough @JasMollica THAT’S IT! FRIENDSHIP RESCINDED!!
Totally kidding. Though I do hate the Evil Wizgerald and Dan Parsa with the fire of a thousand suns.