TweetShare Heading back from Mom 2.0 Summit in Miami right now. No, I didn’t get my picture taken at A1A Beachfront Ave. It’s unfortunate, but life goes on. I was working the conference for a client, so I didn’t attend many of the sessions. But I did have time to catch one on the ROI [...]
Archive | Blogger outreach RSS feed for this section
5 from South By: Shrink It and Pink It…Designing Experiences for Women
March 20, 2012
TweetShare 5 from South By is a series of five blog posts covering some of the most interesting news and trends from South By Southwest Interactive conference in Austin, Texas, earlier this month. Ok, I know what you’re thinking. Let’s get it out of the way right from the start. No, this was not a [...]
3 things blogging and the Dewey Decimal System have in common
October 19, 2011
TweetShare You remember the Dewey Decimal System, right? Well, if you’re over the age of 25, you probably do. You know, that card catalog. In the library. Some might call it the original search engine. We used it to help us find the books we were looking for. Before there was “the Google” and “the [...]
10 best practices for blogger outreach to moms
July 26, 2011
TweetShare According to eMarketer, one in eight moms who are online blog. Think about that. Now add in that 75 percent of moms use social media sites. We’ve been doing blogger outreach at FHKC since long before I got here, but those numbers still astound [...]
PR should never pay bloggers, right? Never say never…
July 19, 2011
TweetShare The “Is it ok for PR to pay bloggers” debate took an interesting turn earlier this month at EVO Conference. Actually, it didn’t really take a turn at all. From what I gather (I wasn’t there, so getting it all secondhand), one of the [...]
Are bloggers and journalists the same?
July 14, 2011
TweetShare The other day, I was driving home listening to my favorite sports radio station and I caught most of an interview with AP sports reporter Doug Tucker. Doug has been a staple of the Kansas City AP since 1969 and he’s retiring later this summer, so [...]
77 ah-ha moments from Blogworld NYC
May 28, 2011
TweetShare This is the first in a week-long series of posts recapping the Blogworld NYC experience. What I learned, who I met, how I’m planning to apply it all to my day job. A good brainstorm, strategy, blog post always starts with data. Research [...]
Help us crowdsource our Blogworld panel
May 18, 2011
TweetShare I’ve got a favor to ask. Can you help me out? Next Tuesday at Blogworld New Media Expo, I’m moderating a panel with three amazing retail brands — American Eagle, Hallmark Cards (client) and Select Comfort. I’ve met [...]
The two defintions of pay to play
May 10, 2011
TweetShare Pay to play just sounds dirty. Especially for those of us who studied journalism or PR in school and were brought up on journalistic ethics and earned media. But that was then. This is now. Seasons change. People change. I sacrifice [...]
Why it doesn’t always make sense to go after A-listers
March 21, 2011

TweetShare Can you get me on Oprah? We’re looking for someone to get us in the Wall Street Journal. I see our brand on the front page of USA Today, The New York Times and The Washington Post. We could get The Huffington Post and Mashable with this story, [...]
Why you should sprint to learn more about Blogdash
March 15, 2011

TweetShare Do you do blogger outreach? If you are doing any type of work with bloggers on any level, you need to know about Blogdash. It’s one of the more compelling tech products I saw at South By Southwest (SXSW) this week. And it has the potential to make [...]
May 7, 2012