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10 years ago

September 11, 2011


TweetShare10 years ago, my friends woke me up and told me to turn on the TV 10 years ago, I had been on a flight the day before 10 years ago , I didn’t think something like this could happen 10 years ago, I had never been to the World Trade Center 10 years ago, [...]

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Get a Blue Key, give refugees a home

June 7, 2011


TweetShareI remember when I was seven. Or maybe it was eight. My parents sat me down one day when I got home from school and asked me how my day was. Now my standard response to this was “fine.” But after some prodding, I told them about my school work and of course, the more [...]

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Help me beat John, benefit tsunami victims in Japan

March 12, 2011


TweetShare             Have you seen yet? It’s a chance for you to help earthquake and tsunami victims in Japan. My friend John Taylor and I have entered a friendly competition to see who can raise the most money to benefit the cause and I need your help. Because I [...]

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Crisis communications in-depth: The four R’s

February 4, 2011


But no matter how much you have practiced, when a serious issue strikes, it’s easy to forget what you’ve learned and even panic just a little. That’s why I wanted to share with you the four R’s – the other part of Betsey’s limeade equation that walks you through what you actually need to do strategically and tactically in a crisis situation.

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Having a social media policy is no longer optional

January 19, 2011


When is honesty not the best policy? How about when it costs you your job. Enter Glen Busch, the former director of the Chicago chapter of Coats for Kids, who was fired earlier this week for comments he made on his personal Facebook page about the deadly Arizona shootings involving Congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford.

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