TweetShare Chocolate, alcohol and caffeine. A pretty good Saturday, but also the three things more than half of Americans surveyed by TeleNav would rather give up before parting with their cell phones. One-third would give up sex, 22 percent their toothbrushes and 21 percent are ok without shoes as long as they have their smartphone. [...]
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The two-screen tipping point
August 31, 2011
TweetShareWe officially hit the two-screen tipping point Sunday night. And if you don’t believe me, just ask anyone who was on Twitter at that time. Newly-pregnant Beyonce’s live performance on MTV’s Video Music Awards generated almost 9,000 tweets a second. But there are two stories here. Of course, Beyonce’s baby bump. But also that MTV [...]
Mr. Miyagi, Rocky Balboa and your performance review
March 17, 2011

TweetShare A root canal, waxing on and off all day long on Mr. Miyagi’s yellow car and running up that huge, snowy mountain in Russia just to yell “Drago!” What do these three things all have in common? They all generally sound more enjoyable than doing a performance [...]
How do you change someone’s mind?
March 11, 2011

TweetShare Have you ever changed someone else’s mind? How did you do it? How long did it take you? What finally worked in the end? Changing someone’s mind is like having sex in the ninth grade. A lot of people talk about it [...]
6 B2B social media questions I could use your help answering
March 8, 2011

TweetShare I’ve been a part of two B2B social media bootcamps over the past couple of weeks. I feel like we have a solid approach to these sessions at FH even though our botcamps don’t involve any cammo gear or yelling at clients who don’t tweet fast enough [...]
30 things we learned from @AnnWylie, @KellyMcB and @Shonali at #kciabcbcs
March 3, 2011

TweetShare This post is exactly what the headline says it is. Our Kansas City IABC chapter hosted the annual Business Communicator’s Summit today and we had three amazing keynote speakers — Ann Wylie, Kelly McBride and Shonali Burke. You’ve no doubt heard of the 3 Wise Men. Well, this trio [...]
Social media can’t change culture…but executives can
February 25, 2011

TweetShareSo I was sitting here thinking about what to write or whether to write at all. I mean, who sits at home and writes blog posts on a Friday night? Answer — a 31-year-old guy whose wife is out of town at a bachelorette party enjoying much warmer weather and much better drinks. Plus, this [...]
The problem with influence scoring platforms
February 24, 2011

TweetShareRecently I was at a social media marketing conference. The final speaker of the day was the owner of a local business. He gave a great presentation. The passion for social media and his work was obvious. He talked about the culture of the company, how they value customer service and how they listen via [...]
The most compelling research I read in 2010
February 15, 2011

What was the most compelling research you read in 2010? For me, it was the Harvard Business Review piece on the need for marketing to transition from the traditional sales funnel to the customer decision journey. There were so many compelling POVs within that article – 1) how marketers need to spend more time on content and conversation and less time broadcasting information and 2) how customers increasing access to information has changed the way they make purchase decisions. But without a doubt, the most compelling part of the article for me was the consumer bond.
What does a guaranteed impression actually guarantee?
February 7, 2011
I’m sick of hearing about guaranteed impressions. Scratch that. I’m sick of hearing about guaranteed impressions as a stand-alone success metric for marketing campaign evaluations. Know what I mean?
Crisis communications in-depth: Success is all about the limeade
January 30, 2011
It used to be you’d say limeade and I’d think of the local Sonic. And not a regular limeade, but one of those cherry limeades with extra cherry flavor and two maraschino cherries on the top. Mmm, so good. But our #FHKC office GM, Betsey Solberg, changed all that this week. Here’s what happened.
September 6, 2011