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Manager stories

April 20, 2012


TweetShare  This collection of stories is a follow-up to this week’s #pr20chat, which covered the topic of people management — managing direct reports, managing peer-to-peer and managing up. First story I am not the most confident person in the world. Second-guessing and I have become good friends during my professional career, even though it’s a [...]

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At SXSW Organizers Really Do Listen…

March 9, 2012

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TweetShare   The following is a guest post by my Fleishman-Hillard colleague Beth Ward. Beth is an HR recruiter — or as I like to call her, a people guru. And this is a session you won’t want to miss. It is almost formulaic.  Organize a conference, find a functional venue, bring in speakers, present [...]

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Debate about PR Defined misses the point

February 20, 2012


TweetShare  I work in PR. I work for a PR agency. But I don’t like calling myself a PR pro. Or saying that I work in PR. Because most people don’t know what PR means. Or they have a preconceived notion of what it means that isn’t helping my or my industry’s reputation. If I [...]

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If your product sucks, PR can’t help you

February 15, 2012


TweetShare  This is one of those things you don’t feel like needs to be said until you work with corporate America a while and realize…boy, does this need to be said. If your product sucks, PR can’t help you. Neither can marketing, advertising or any other form of communications you can think of. If your [...]

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Managing people is the most important job at your company

February 13, 2012


TweetShare  I don’t know what your job entails. I don’t know what you’re responsible for. I don’t know how many hours a week you work. But I do know one thing…If you manage people, that is the most important part of your job. And I don’t need to know anything else about your job to [...]

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Don’t be afraid to say no

February 9, 2012


TweetShare  Don’t be afraid to say no To a deadline that doesn’t make sense. To a project you don’t have time to take on. To an idea when someone asks you if it’s valid. Being a yes man — or a yes woman — doesn’t earn you any respect. It just shows you can be [...]

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7 ways to be a great communicator from MLK and Nancy Duarte

January 16, 2012


TweetShare  Every time I hear Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream Speech” I stop what I’m doing and just listen. It’s always had that effect on me. Always inspired me. Always captivated me. Always made me think of what could be. But have you ever stopped and analyzed MLK’s speech? Every dug into [...]

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#PRDefined only helps if it’s a definition everyone can understand

January 7, 2012

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TweetShare  Last year I spoke to a group of strategic communications students at Mizzou. When it came my turn to answer audience questions, I was ready for anything. Except the question I got asked. How would you define public relations? Really, I thought? Shouldn’t these students already know that? Then I stumbled through an awkward [...]

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Royals firing of legend Frank White creates PR nightmare

December 3, 2011

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TweetShare  When I was six, my brother took me to Game 6 of the World Series at Royals Stadium. I don’t remember much of the game, but I remember the 9th inning. I remember the missed call by Don Denkinger that left Jorge Orta standing safe at first. I remember Dane Iorg’s bloop single. I [...]

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Kudos to Fox 4 for using Don’s death to talk about depression

December 1, 2011


TweetShare          I have to admit I had mixed feelings when I heard the news about Don Harman’s death. No doubt Don was a great guy who did a ton in the community and for the people who lived there. The stories are incredible. There was the man going through chemo who [...]

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Analyzing the Brownback PR blunder

November 28, 2011


TweetShare  Have you ever complained about a company via social media? Maybe your Starbucks barista messed up your drink…again. Or maybe your cell phone keeps missing calls…yes, of course you pulled the battery. Now imagine that the company called your company and complained about your negative tweet. How would you react? If you said you’d [...]

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