Employees…The forgotten marketing channel

November 26, 2012

Marketing, Public relations

(Image credit: Tumblr.com)


If I asked you to tell me the marketing mix channels you could use to create an integrated campaign, you might start by bucketing them into paid, earned and owned.

If I asked you to give me examples of paid channels, you might go with TV and print media. Maybe even throw in some display ads or a nice highway billboard.

If I asked you give me examples of earned channels, you might talk about media relations, blogger outreach or even influencer endorsements of your brand via social media.

If I asked you to give me examples of owned channels, you might share your company website, Facebook presence, Twitter account and email marketing.

If I asked you all these questions, 99 percent of you would never even think to mention your employees. Never take their social media presences into account. Never think of them as the most trusted source of information that exists on your brands and its products.

Never put them at the top of your list as the channel that should get the most time, attention and dollars.

Now that we’ve had this chat…If I asked why organizations keep ignoring their employees or giving internal communications the short end of the stick when launching a campaign, what would you say? Would you tell me that it will ever change?

Yeah, I’m not too optimistic it will change either. Only because word of mouth is not easy to measure. #SMH.

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@katywrites Thanks for the RT, Katy! How you been?


@jgoldsborough Anytime! Doing well - staying busy and soaking up the holiday spirit. How are you?


@katywrites Doing ok, thanks. Working away. Yes, excited for holidays :).