Help us crowdsource our Blogworld panel
I’ve got a favor to ask. Can you help me out? Next Tuesday at Blogworld New Media Expo, I’m moderating a panel with three amazing retail brands — American Eagle, Hallmark Cards (client) and Select Comfort. I’ve met with our panelists and they have great stories to tell. We’ve talked about the best questions to ask and topics to cover and we’ve got some ideas in mind. But we want to hear from you. What do you want to know about retail and social media? What answers are going to help you the most with your day job?
Below, I’ve started a word cloud. It contains words representing the topics the panelists and I have discussed in our initial meetings. As you submit questions or ideas in the comments of this post or tweet them to any of us, we’ll add them to the word cloud and then share the final cloud, and cover your suggested topics, at the panel next Tuesday afternoon — 3:45 p.m. EST in Jacob Javits Center 1A08 or on Twitter via the #BWENYC hashtag.
How you can share questions or topics with us
- Comment on this post
- Contact us on Twitter
- Join and share during the Blogworld Twitter chat (#BWEchat) tonight at 8 EST
Blogworld retail panel world cloud
Some starter questions we’ve been thinking about
- How do you show value of what you’re doing in social to the overall business?
- How do you listen to and engage with customers online? Do you engage with all customers?
- Does your company ever pay bloggers? Explain how you work with them.
Thanks in advance for your help!
This is one that’s asked often, but I’d be interesting in hearing the answer: how do you deal with negative comments
@Shonali Thanks, Shonali. I will definitely ask that one. Nice piece on measurement with Institute for PR, btw
@JGoldsborough Thanks!
It would seem to be 2nd nature, but in light of the whole Burson/FB fiasco, questions of how should retailers approach bloggers as opposed to traditional media would be wise. Specifically, how to pitch a blog when you are trying to position your competition as inferior to your own.
@MattLaCasse Interesting idea. Thanks for that one, ML. Will definitely ask it. Think there are two questions actually — How should retailers approach bloggers? How do you pitch a blog when you are trying to position your competition as inferior?
I’d be curious to know what these brands do to ensure that there’s a “win-win” for their brand, the bloggers, and their readers.
@marylewis711 Thanks for the question, Mary. Do you mean what blogger outreach practices they employ to make sure that the online relationships and outreach process benefit all involved? Am I understanding that right?
@JGoldsborough Yes, definitely two questions. Will your session be streaming at some point?
Exactly!@JGoldsborough @marylewis711
I share the same interest as Shonali. How and what is the best way to deal with negative comments? Btw, I find your crowdsourcing idea, a brilliant one.