Microsoft’s Look Book is smart way to serve up exclusive content

November 20, 2012


Hello. My name is Justin. And I’m a MacAholic. I’m not a fanboy. And I still use a PC for work. But I’m convinced at this point that Apple makes superior products. I have an iPhone and I won’t go back. If I could use a Mac for my work computer, I would. And on and on. I know, not unique. But I feel so much better now getting that off my chest.

Why do I bring my semi-addiction up? Because now that I’ve pronounced my Mac fandom, I want to spend the rest of the post talking about something smart that Microsoft did to promote its holiday offerings. Note: I refuse to use the term Black Friday because I think the people who camp out or get up at 3 a.m. to hit Target are crazy. I’m sorry if this is you. Moving on…

Ever heard of a Look Book. It’s a fashion industry term really. A way to show a designers new looks. But Microsoft is proving this year that it doesn’t have to be just for fashion. And whatever industry your in, it can be a great way to serve up exclusive content to your social media fans and followers.

That’s what Microsoft has done here — thanks to Deanna Ferrari for the share. So many Facebook apps these days have little value. But Microsoft’s holiday Look Book has a lot to offer:

- A sneak preview at some of it’s coolest holiday offerings.

- It’s incredibly visual, and we all know how important that is in today’s world.

- It’s interactive. So you can hover over each of the items on display and learn something more about them.

- And it’s easy to share the entire book or a certain “scene” within it about a certain product.

So the question is…How could your brand share exclusive content with customers via a Look Book? How easy or difficult would it be for you to pull off something like this for your company/clients?

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@JGoldsborough Hi - I was wondering if you can you tell me when is #pr20chat


@peepwise Hi. It is usually Tuesday nights at 8 EST. #pr20chat


@JGoldsborough Thx Justin! Totally appreciate it...happy thanksgiving!