
What is #pr20chat?

PR 2.0 Chat is a weekly conversation on Twitter about public relations 2.0, moderated by @PRtini and @JGoldsborough. The chat takes place every Tuesday at 8 EST for one hour. You can follow along and join the conversation via Twitter search or from your favorite Twitter application (e.g. Tweetdeck, Hootsuite). You can access transcripts of the chat here via WTHashtag.com.

Join the #pr20chat community at pr20chat.com

The #pr20chat is just one hour a week. But you can continue the conversation throughout the week and connect with other PR pros by joining the #pr20chat Ning community.

Visit pr20chat

PR 2.0 Chat TV

PR 2.0 Chat TV is a new #pr20chat community feature Heather Whaling and I are kicking off in 2011. Our model is one 5-minute segment once a week highlighting current PR/social media trends and/or a popular topic on the current week’s #pr20chat. We expect PR 2.0 Chat TV to evolve and would love your input on how to make it better. And please share any potential discussion topics in the comments on our YouTube channel or blog posts.