Stupid is as Aaron Hernandez does

Dear Aaron Hernandez:
What were you thinking? Did you really think you would get away with this? Seems like a man your size would have to consume a whole lot of alcohol, or something else, to shoot someone you knew well and could easily be connected to and believe you wouldn’t be walked out your front door one day in handcuffs.
Do you ever watch Dateline? 48 Hours? The news? I’m not trying to be glib. But it’s baffling and almost beyond belief that a guy who just recently signed a $50 million contract threw everything away because of a disagreement with a “friend.” A friend who was dating the sister of your fiance. Hello. Did you think no one would make the connection?
The science behind criminal investigations these days is smarter than any one person could possibly be. You can’t clean up enough. Destroying our security system and cell phones doesn’t matter. You will get caught. You will go to jail. OJ is the anomaly. And that case happened in 1993. We have much more sophisticated criminal investigations these days.
You have an 8-month-old at home, man. A child who will likely grow up without a father. How could you take that for granted? You have a fiance. Or you had one. She and your child will likely move on with their lives now since you will be spending most of yours behind bars.
I know the murder is still alleged at this point, but the evidence seems damning. If we come to find out you weren’t involved, then I’ll be the first to apologize and take this all back. But the stories we are hearing are so incredibly head-scratching that they almost make me wonder if you are just stupid. Not stupid in the way most of us use the term, sort of casually and half-heartedly. But literally stupid. Clinically. How else do you explain this type of an action?
There’s only one other possible explanation. Naivety. Taking things for granted. Thinking your invincible. If that’s the case, you knew better. You played for a coach with a reputation for not allowing his players to overlook any opponent. Preparation was a must, even to a fault — illegally taping other team’s practice. The perception is you have to be a thinking man to play for the New England Patriots in that system. Obviously, as with most situations in life, there is always an exception to the rule.
And the whole selfies while brandishing illegally obtained firearms thing…well, there just aren’t words. You’re a microcosm for a generation that doesn’t think enough about what they post on social media and how it can impact their reputation. But you took it to a level of stupidity way beyond profile pictures in bikinis and drinking with friends.
Look at it this way. Now you’ll have plenty of time to take all the orange jumpsuit selfies you want.
The world’s a safer and better place with you behind bars.