TweetShare Have you ever been to Toronto? What was your favorite thing you saw? For Maggie and I, it was a tie between the St. Lawrence Market and the NHL Hockey Hall of Fame. But then again, we were just there for a wedding and [...]
Tag Archives: #52CommsMixup
52 Comms Mixup video 12: Stephanie Wonderlin
June 24, 2011
TweetShare Six months ago I would have told you QR codes were a bunch of BS. See, I’m all about usability and the user experience behind them really bothered me. Three months ago I still wasn’t a fan. But Stephanie Wonderlin and her [...]
52 Comms Mixup video 11: Anna Barcelos
June 15, 2011
TweetShare Integrated marketing communications (IMC) is one of the most interesting topics in our industry because so many people talk about it but so few companies are actually putting it into practice. IMC is hard. It takes time. It’s a culture shift of the nth degree. You [...]
52 Comms Mixup video 10 (BlogWorld edition): Chuck Hemann
June 8, 2011
TweetShare This is the fifth in a series of posts recapping the Blogworld NYC experience. What I learned, who I met, how I’m planning to apply it all to my day job. When it comes to communications pros I would recommend, the list is [...]
52 Comms Mixup video 9 (BlogWorld edition): Damion White
June 2, 2011
TweetShare This is the fourth in a week-long series of posts recapping the Blogworld NYC experience. What I learned, who I met, how I’m planning to apply it all to my day job. Every time I go to a conference, I always meet [...]
52 Comms Mixup video 8 (BlogWorld edition): Tim Hayden
May 31, 2011
TweetShare This is the second in a week-long series of posts recapping the Blogworld NYC experience. What I learned, who I met, how I’m planning to apply it all to my day job. Every time I go to a conference, there is always session I miss that [...]
52 Comms Mixup, video 6: Andrew Shipp
May 5, 2011
TweetShare “Rehavior,” meaning to change behavior, is a word that Andrew Shipp first heard at his current agency, Northlich. It’s one he’s embraced not only at work but also out of the office. At Northlich, Andrew and his colleagues work with clients to change their customers’ behaviors, [...]
52 Comms Mixup video 5: Lisa Grimm
April 19, 2011

TweetShare Some people could care less about PR and just do it to pay the bills. Some people are good at PR and like it. And some people are passionate about PR, turned on by their job. Lisa Grimm is the latter — a [...]
July 12, 2011