Tag Archives: crisis plan

Crisis communications in-depth: The four R’s

February 4, 2011


But no matter how much you have practiced, when a serious issue strikes, it’s easy to forget what you’ve learned and even panic just a little. That’s why I wanted to share with you the four R’s – the other part of Betsey’s limeade equation that walks you through what you actually need to do strategically and tactically in a crisis situation.

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Crisis communications in-depth: Keeping issues from becoming crises

February 1, 2011


People often use the terms crisis and issues differently. Crisis seems to denote something huge, like a CEO having a heart attack or a life-threatening natural disaster. Issues, on the other hand, are much more common. An online customer complaint over the weekend during off hours or a competitor trying to sell their brand on your Facebook page.

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Crisis communications in-depth: Response protocol, playbook provide crisis insurance, assurance

January 31, 2011


You can almost guarantee it with the same certainty you can say the sun will come out tomorrow. Start discussing crisis/issues management with a group of corporate communicators and someone is going to ask, sooner or later: “How do you know when to respond to a complaint about your brand?”

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