TweetShare I work in PR. I work for a PR agency. But I don’t like calling myself a PR pro. Or saying that I work in PR. Because most people don’t know what PR means. Or they have a preconceived notion of what it means that isn’t helping my or my industry’s reputation. If I [...]
Tag Archives: Gini Dietrich
Three people you must read
July 24, 2011
TweetShare I’ve always been afraid to meet a genie. Not because I don’t think I’d like a genie. I think I would. Especially that super-nice genie from the Aladdin movies. The one Robin Williams played. After all, genies seem pretty cool. They somehow work they their way in and out of those lamps. And they [...]
The influence misconception: Whose fault is it anyway?
June 23, 2011
TweetShare I’ve been hard on Klout. Maybe too hard. But as a communications professional, I’m worried about our industry. And I think I have reason to be. As my friend Gini Dietrich calls out in the title of her award-winning blog – Spin Sucks. [...]
77 ah-ha moments from Blogworld NYC
May 28, 2011
TweetShare This is the first in a week-long series of posts recapping the Blogworld NYC experience. What I learned, who I met, how I’m planning to apply it all to my day job. A good brainstorm, strategy, blog post always starts with data. Research [...]
Content is “key” when it comes to integrated marketing communications
May 13, 2011
TweetShare You’ve heard “content is king.” Well, this post is all about why “content is key.” Key to making integrated marketing communications a reality for big brands. Key to helping them ditch the silos and actually approach communications strategically. Key to changing the [...]
Should we ask prospects how they prefer to be pitched?
April 8, 2011
TweetShare This is the fourth post in an in-depth series on selling in the communications consulting world. Sometimes your read someone else’s words and they just make sense to you. For me, this afternoon, those words were: “I am no better than anyone else and only as smart [...]
Dear PR pros: Time to take our responsibility more seriously
April 6, 2011
TweetShare Dear PR pros: You have a responsibility. I do too. We all do…those of us PR pros who care about our discipline. How it started. Where it’s been. And where it’s going. This week, it’s been speaking out against ad value equivalency (AVE), which my friends Shonali [...]
Why it doesn’t always make sense to go after A-listers
March 21, 2011

TweetShare Can you get me on Oprah? We’re looking for someone to get us in the Wall Street Journal. I see our brand on the front page of USA Today, The New York Times and The Washington Post. We could get The Huffington Post and Mashable with this story, [...]
Sports Sunday: Lack of competition means Groupon wins, ads or no ads
February 13, 2011
At this point, I think it’s official. The conversation about the Groupon Super Bowl ads has actually passed the amount of conversation about the game itself. One week later, Packers and Steelers fans are still talking about the game. But everyone else is talking about Groupon. You want to know why? Because in the social deals Super Bowl, Groupon is the only team qualified to take the field.
February 20, 2012