Tag Archives: influencers


December 8, 2011


TweetShareWe have a problem in our industry. Well, we have a few, but what industry doesn’t. But this particular problem is worrisome because it has to do with how we misuse words. In an industry where we rely on words to tell our stories. Community is one of those words we misuse. Like viral – [...]

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Influencers is becoming the new viral

June 4, 2011


TweetShare                      Nails scratching across a chalkboard. Major league hitters that don’t protect the plate with two strikes. My sister watching the movie Grease every day for a whole year (that one’s for you, sis). We’ve all got our pet peeves. Those are some of mine [...]

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The two defintions of pay to play

May 10, 2011


TweetShare                            Pay to play just sounds dirty. Especially for those of us who studied journalism or PR in school and were brought up on journalistic ethics and earned media. But that was then. This is now. Seasons change. People change. I sacrifice [...]

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The problem with influence scoring platforms

February 24, 2011


TweetShareRecently I was at a social media marketing conference. The final speaker of the day was the owner of a local business. He gave a great presentation. The passion for social media and his work was obvious. He talked about the culture of the company, how they value customer service and how they listen via [...]

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PR 2.0 Chat TV, episode 3: Chuck Hemann on influencer relations

February 5, 2011


Chuck Hemann is VP of digital strategy and analytics at Ogilvy. He blogs at Analytics is King and has recently shown a significant passion for the influencer conversation — specifically how PR pros are going about researching, identifying and conducting outreach to influencers.

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