Tag Archives: limeade

Crisis communications in-depth: The four R’s

February 4, 2011


But no matter how much you have practiced, when a serious issue strikes, it’s easy to forget what you’ve learned and even panic just a little. That’s why I wanted to share with you the four R’s – the other part of Betsey’s limeade equation that walks you through what you actually need to do strategically and tactically in a crisis situation.

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Crisis communications in-depth: Success is all about the limeade

January 30, 2011


It used to be you’d say limeade and I’d think of the local Sonic. And not a regular limeade, but one of those cherry limeades with extra cherry flavor and two maraschino cherries on the top. Mmm, so good. But our #FHKC office GM, Betsey Solberg, changed all that this week. Here’s what happened.

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