TweetShare Usually when we talk about social media on this blog, we’re talking about how brands use the tools to connect with customers. But at SXSW, my Fleishman-Hillard teammates and I got to talk with Social Media Club about using these tools for a different reason — to [...]
Tag Archives: prstudchat
Competition vs Collaboration
September 20, 2011
TweetShare Remember those group projects we had to do in college. It was always a group of four. You, one classmate who was fairly reliable, one who thought that everything she said turned to gold, and some dude who signed up for the class specifically because he knew the final was a group project and [...]
Guest post: Selling doesn’t have to be a dirty word
March 30, 2011

TweetShare This guest post by Valerie Simon is part of an in-depth series on selling in the communications consulting world. Robert Louis Stevenson once said, “Everyone lives by selling something,” but I think most people have a fairly similar reaction to Justin when they hear the term [...]
Having a social media policy is no longer optional
January 19, 2011
When is honesty not the best policy? How about when it costs you your job. Enter Glen Busch, the former director of the Chicago chapter of Coats for Kids, who was fired earlier this week for comments he made on his personal Facebook page about the deadly Arizona shootings involving Congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford.
March 25, 2012