TweetShare Thankful, thankful, thankful. Everyone is talking this week — and this month, for that matter — about what they are thankful for. Yes, I know I ended that sentence before with a preposition. But that’s what people say — What they’re thankful for. I don’t think my journalism professor would mind. Since everyone is [...]
Tag Archives: Public relations
52 Comms Mixup video 19: Nikki Little
November 10, 2011
TweetShare We all know people who seem to do awesome work at their job, are involved in every professional organization you’ve ever heard of and still have time to devote to giving back to the community. Nikki Little is one of those people. Oh, and she authors a blog too…one that’s well worth [...]
10 signs you might be hurting the PR industry
September 14, 2011
TweetShare Ever heard those “you might be a redneck” jokes? You know, the Jeff Foxworthy ones. If you cut your grass and find a car…you might be a redneck. If you own a homeade fur coat…you might be a redneck. Yep, I laughed at that one too? Most of the jokes are hyperbolic like that. [...]
10 best practices for blogger outreach to moms
July 26, 2011
TweetShare According to eMarketer, one in eight moms who are online blog. Think about that. Now add in that 75 percent of moms use social media sites. We’ve been doing blogger outreach at FHKC since long before I got here, but those numbers still astound [...]
Defending the PR industry
July 20, 2011
TweetShare Yesterday, Rupert Murdoch ended up with egg all over his face. Well, actually, it was shaving cream. To be fair, Murdoch and his son did some things right, including apologizing and admitting making mistakes in the now infamous News Corp. hacking scandal. But they also [...]
52 Comms Mixup video 13: Elissa Freeman and Carlene Siopis
July 12, 2011
TweetShare Have you ever been to Toronto? What was your favorite thing you saw? For Maggie and I, it was a tie between the St. Lawrence Market and the NHL Hockey Hall of Fame. But then again, we were just there for a wedding and [...]
52 Comms Mixup, video 6: Andrew Shipp
May 5, 2011
TweetShare “Rehavior,” meaning to change behavior, is a word that Andrew Shipp first heard at his current agency, Northlich. It’s one he’s embraced not only at work but also out of the office. At Northlich, Andrew and his colleagues work with clients to change their customers’ behaviors, [...]
Why you don’t need a social media agency or strategy
April 25, 2011

TweetShare Social media is a not a strategy. It is not a department. It is not a communications discipline. And it is not a type of agency…or at least it shouldn’t be. I don’t know how many times we have to address this topic. I feel like [...]
Selling social media to your boss
April 18, 2011

TweetShare I was lucky enough to sit on a social media panel yesterday at the NAIA national convention in Kansas City. One of the questions was, “How do you sell social media to your boss? What’s your strategy?” Here are some of the main points [...]
It’s the little things that kill…your reputation
April 14, 2011

TweetShare My wife was right. Yep, I said it. Kind of hard to type at first, but I came around. After all, it pains a guy to admit he was wrong. And it pains a guy even more to admit he was wrong when his wife is [...]
Should we ask prospects how they prefer to be pitched?
April 8, 2011
TweetShare This is the fourth post in an in-depth series on selling in the communications consulting world. Sometimes your read someone else’s words and they just make sense to you. For me, this afternoon, those words were: “I am no better than anyone else and only as smart [...]
November 21, 2011