TweetShare This is the sixth in an in-depth series of posts recapping the Blogworld NYC experience. What I learned, who I met, how I’m planning to apply it all to my day job. It’s easy to condemn the skeptics and say companies should be doing this [...]
Tag Archives: response protocol
Crisis communications in-depth: Keeping issues from becoming crises
February 1, 2011

People often use the terms crisis and issues differently. Crisis seems to denote something huge, like a CEO having a heart attack or a life-threatening natural disaster. Issues, on the other hand, are much more common. An online customer complaint over the weekend during off hours or a competitor trying to sell their brand on your Facebook page.
Crisis communications in-depth: Response protocol, playbook provide crisis insurance, assurance
January 31, 2011
You can almost guarantee it with the same certainty you can say the sun will come out tomorrow. Start discussing crisis/issues management with a group of corporate communicators and someone is going to ask, sooner or later: “How do you know when to respond to a complaint about your brand?”
10 reasons to add CPSC to your listening system before March
January 22, 2011
We all know how important listening is these days, right? I don’t think I have to explain the value of monitoring the Web for brand mentions, the opportunity behind direct-to-consumer conversations or what can happen if you don’t have a listening system in place. We’re to the point now where people/companies are really trying to better define their listening system based on specific needs. Part of that is keeping track of evolutions that change the listening game. And there’s a potentially huge one coming in the next few months.
10 questions I’d ask Etsy’s PR team about issues management
January 8, 2011

What do you want your brand to stand for? That’s the first question I would ask Etsy’s PR team if I had the chance to talk with them about the best way to handle the “hate cards” issue — it’s not a PR crisis at this point — with which they are faced. If you aren’t familiar with the controversy, Shel Holtz offers a thorough explanation in this recent post. Shel tells the story of Jonathan Mast, a friend of ours, in his post and how Jonathan has tried to get Etsy to remove cards being sold on its site that appear to make fun of down syndrome — Jonathan’s daughter has DS. Since Shel wrote the post, a new set of cards congratulating women for being raped have been posted for sale.
June 13, 2011