TweetShare I hate spam. I hate spam. Damn that spam. Damn that spam. Damn that spam. I do not like it…damn that spam. Do you like tweet eggs and spam? I do not like them…damn that spam. I do not like tweet [...]
Tag Archives: twitter
Can anyone verify how you get a verified Twitter account?
July 7, 2011
TweetShare There are several Twitter mysteries out there — Who are these egg people that tweet spam at us? Why does Twitter search only show results for two or three days prior? How am I all of a sudden not following someone one day that I had been following for [...]
The biggest ripoff in social media
June 11, 2011
TweetShare I don’t believe what I just read. I literally had to close the tab, click the link and read it again. Twitter Director of Revenue Adam Bain told Clickz this week that promoted trends have reached the astronomical price of $120,000. And what’s even more [...]
Why you, your company need to think about digital death
May 16, 2011
TweetShare What happens when we die? It’s one of the oldest, and most debated, questions in the book. Which is why it seems just a tad bit ironic that as prevalent as the Internet has been for the last 15-plus years, people are just now starting to [...]
The growing need for a tact counselor
May 8, 2011
TweetShare I wasn’t going to write this post. I hate coming off like the fun police or seeming Big Brotherish. To be frank, I thought we were done having this “the way you act online can alter your reputation and make it hard to get/keep a job” [...]
Why watching TV will never be the same after Bin Laden
May 2, 2011
TweetShare We reached a tipping point Sunday night. One that will go down as comparable to Walter Cronkite’s TV newscasts during World War II, the 2000 presidential election coverage online,’s iReport and Janus Krum’s picture of the U.S. Airways plane crash in the Hudson River. Last night [...]
6 B2B social media questions I could use your help answering
March 8, 2011

TweetShare I’ve been a part of two B2B social media bootcamps over the past couple of weeks. I feel like we have a solid approach to these sessions at FH even though our botcamps don’t involve any cammo gear or yelling at clients who don’t tweet fast enough [...]
Sports Sunday: Coaches banning Twitter a desperate move
February 6, 2011
Rick Stansbury doesn’t get it. And he’s not the first. Stansbury is just the latest in what’s becoming a long line of college coaches (see Mike Leach) who have banned their teams from using Twitter in what can’t be seen as anything but a last-ditch grasp at maintaining control.
Crisis communications in-depth: Keeping issues from becoming crises
February 1, 2011

People often use the terms crisis and issues differently. Crisis seems to denote something huge, like a CEO having a heart attack or a life-threatening natural disaster. Issues, on the other hand, are much more common. An online customer complaint over the weekend during off hours or a competitor trying to sell their brand on your Facebook page.
Crisis communications in-depth: Response protocol, playbook provide crisis insurance, assurance
January 31, 2011
You can almost guarantee it with the same certainty you can say the sun will come out tomorrow. Start discussing crisis/issues management with a group of corporate communicators and someone is going to ask, sooner or later: “How do you know when to respond to a complaint about your brand?”
5 reasons off-topic social media posts keep your business on track
January 13, 2011
Every restaurant and bar has regulars. There’s Norm, Cliff and Dr. Krane where everybody knows your name. Homer is a regular at Moe’s Tavern. The 90210 crowd practically paid rent at the Peach Pit. All of these regulars have two things in common — 1) The passion for their hang out of choice and 2) They rarely, if ever, talked about work or school while hanging out.
July 10, 2011