To the person(s) responsible for the Boston Marathon bombings…

It must have been satisfying just for a second, in a morbid way only you can understand, to see those bombs go off near the finish line Monday and to watch innocent people fall to the ground with injuries, three of whom would eventually lose their lives.
But for someone whose objective was to crush the human spirit, it must have been just as unsatisfying to see first responders run toward the blasts without hesitation to help those in need. To hear that runners were finishing the marathon and racing to the hospital to give blood. To see physicians and medical personnel switch from runner to caretaker when duty called. To watch Boston residents come out of their homes and invite people they’d never met into them so they could warm up, have something to eat and drink, feel safe.
It must have been surprising to see Americans come together on social media to share everything from Red Cross hotlines to the Google People Finder to ensure safety and allow marathon runners to reconnect with loved ones. To see people use technology to dispel panic by sharing that they were ok and by supporting those on the ground in Boston. To see the outpouring of sentiment from Facebook to Fox News that when something like this happens, we are all Bostonians.
It must have been shocking to see how the sports world responded. The Chicago Tribune’s “Hang in there, Boston” sports page. The hated New York Yankees playing Sweet Caroline in the third inning of their game against Arizona. And the communities of runners across the country lacing back up their shoes to #RunForBoston.
It must be frustrating that life is going on. That many more races will take place across the country this week and weekend. That we’re holding moments of silence, followed by loud resilience that were all together in this and that you haven’t done anything to tear down our determination to go on living our normal lives. If anything, you’ve made it stronger.
It must be disheartening to have what I’m sure seemed in your eyes to be a well concocted plan fail so miserably in meeting its objectives. To know people are already talking about returning to Boston for the marathon next year.
The same human spirit we saw on display after 9/11 has come out in full force 12 years later, stronger than ever, to stand up for Boston.
Must feel like a slap in the face. From the more than 315 million Americans across the country. And for you, better believe it’s a backhand.