Tweet Eggs and Spam

I do not like tweet eggs and spam. I do not like them...damn that spam. (Image credit:
I hate spam.
I hate spam. Damn that spam.
Damn that spam. Damn that spam. I do not like it…damn that spam.
Do you like tweet eggs and spam?
I do not like them…damn that spam. I do not like tweet eggs and spam.
Would you like them here or there?
I would not like them here or there. I don’t care what those lame eggs share. I do not like tweet eggs and spam. I do not like them…damn that spam.
Would you read them in a car? Why do you hate that avatar?
I would not read them in a car. Eggs are a lazy avatar. I do not like them here or there. I don’t care what those lame eggs share. I do not like tweet eggs and spam. I do not like them…damn that spam.
What if the eggs were colored pink? What if the eggs’ tweets made you think?
Not if they’re pink. Not if I think. Not in a car. Lazy avatar. I would not read them here or there. I don’t care what those lame eggs share. I do not like tweet eggs and spam. I do not like them…damn that spam.
Would you? Could you? Not to nag. But what if eggs use a hashtag?
I would not, could not think of that. Not even for #pr20chat.
You may like them. You will see. Just click their links. The product’s free.
I will not click eggs’ links, you see. Don’t need a virus; you let me be.
I do not like them if they’re pink. Not even if they make me think. I would not read them in the car. Eggs are a lazy avatar. I would not like them here or there. I don’t care what those lame eggs share. I do not like tweet eggs and spam. I do not like them…damn that spam.
A chat! A chat! A chat! A chat! Could you, would you in a chat?
Not in a chat. Not with the links. After our chat, I need some drinks.
I do not like them if they’re pink. Not even if they make me think. I would not read them in the car. Eggs are a lazy avatar. I would not like them here or there. I don’t care what those lame eggs share. I do not like tweet eggs and spam. I do not like them…damn that spam.
Say! In a DM? A private tweet? How bout that? It might be neat.
I would not, could not in a DM. The chance is even worse than slim.
Would you, could you via retweet? Reply to any egg you meet?
I would not, could not do retweets. Not for 100 Boulevard Wheats.
Not click the links or in a chat. I do not like them, Sam, got that? Not if they’re pink, or in my car. Don’t speak about that avatar. I do not like them here or there. I don’t care what those lame eggs share.
You do not like tweet eggs and spam?
I do not like them…damn that spam.
Could you, would you with an app?
I would not, could not with an app!
Would you, could you on a WAP?
I could not, would not on a WAP. I will not, will not with an app. I won’t reply to their retweet. Or egg DMs from those I meet. Not in the chat! Not in the car! Nor a pink Easter avatar. Not if they use a good hashtag. The thought just makes me want to gag. I won’t respond to their DM. I said the chance was less than slim. I do not like them here or there. I don’t care what those lame eggs share!
I do not like tweet eggs and spam. I do not like them…damn that spam!
You do not like them, so you say. Try them! Try them! And you may. Try them and you may I say.
Let’s say I try them. What happens then? I’ll tell you…I’ll get spammed again. Let me give some information. Twitter’s about conversation. The purpose is to learn and meet. An egg is something that you eat. So sorry if I may have rambled. But tweeting eggs, their brains are scrambled.
I wish I could try tweet eggs and spam. And say I liked it, but that’s a sham. So sorry Sam or whoever you are, who sits behind that avatar.
I’m just not going to waste my time. And that’s the end of my Twitter rhyme.
- Interns’ Choice - Week of 7/11 | The Livefyre blog - [...] and ham? Tweet eggs and spam? In a hilarious spark of rhyming genius, Justin Goldborough addresses the obnoxious presence ...
ahahah this is so clever! bravo on the creativity- everything in the poem is so true
I love it. Nice rhyming, Justin!
@StephRWong Thanks much. Appreciate the kind words. It was fun to write
@annedreshfield Why thank you, Anne. Glad you’re a fan
This. Is. AWESOME.
@ginidietrich Thanks, GD. Your past spam posts and photo helped inspire. Stupid eggs
@JGoldsborough This is waaaaay better than anything I could have come up with. Hilarious!