I should’ve flown Southwest
I know that these things happen. And United did their best. But, I wasn't feeling the LUV. Guess I should've flown Southwest.
A poem about my travel trials and tribulations
I’m headed down to Knoxville now
I should’ve flown Southwest
For work, we flew United
And I’m really not impressed
First, we’re on one of those small planes
That no one nowhere likes to fly
The ones where you just hope
That you make it and don’t die
And I’m sitting in the last row
Which makes it even worse
It’s the last place that you want to sit
You’ll see in the next verse
Supposed to leave at 5
But took off 2 hours late
They said it was too rainy
For our plane to leave the gate
Now I grant I’m not a pilot
But this one I don’t quite get
Can a plane not fly you safely
If it gets a little wet
So we finally hit the runway
And our plane begins to cruise
Until the pilot makes the beep sound
And says he has bad news
Malfunction in the cockpit
We’re going to have to land
Divert the plane to Knoxville
Where the Op-ary is Grand
Wait, that’s Nashville with the Opry
My bad, I knew I missed
Guess you can tell from reading
It’s not on my bucket list
So that’s why I was saying
The last row, it kind of sucks
Cause in an emergency landing
Well, your just shit outta luck
Thankfully, we landed safely
Though the fire trucks were there
Not as bad as my emergency exit
Story from high school at O’Hare
Back to Knoxville, there they switched us planes
And sent us on our way
Second direct flight to KC
Two more hours from my day
Guess I could be like Dave Carroll
With a busted up guitar
But United’s task was simple
To KC and to my car
See, my wife was making dinner
And I know she isn’t pissed
But I’ve traveled a lot lately
Several dinners I have missed
The United folks have been real nice
Except it would be wise
For them to take a second
And at least apologize
No one said that they were sorry
Not the pilot nor the crew
We all know that these things happen
But it’s something you must do
Looks like I’ll get home round midnight
And I’ll get to get some rest
Four hours later than was scheduled
This never happens on Southwest
@JGoldsborough // that’s the third tweet I’ve seen tonight about redirected flights…
Sorry about that flight snafu. I have never really been impressed with United in my limited flying experiences. They were more expensive and the service was only so so. You’re right about one thing though. Southwest usually comes through. Rest up.
@JGoldsborough Hopefully we’ll see you back onboard Southwest very soon! Thanks for the tweet! ^CM
@SouthwestAir Oh, u absolutely will. I always fly @SouthwestAir unless work changes my plans. Been told I have a SWA brand crush
. Thx!
@jgoldsborough LOVE the poem.
@DSchwartzeKC Thanks very much
@Anthony_Rodriguez Thanks, AR. You’re right…Southwest does usually come through.