Write a book. Have it published.
That would be at the top of my professional bucket list. It’s been a dream of mine for a while. I go back and forth between nonfiction and fiction. I’d love to write about corporate cultures. I find it fascinating how little attention companies pay to them and how big of an impact they have on brand perception. At the same time, I’ve wanted to write an epic underdog sports novel ever since the first time I saw the Rocky movies. Just in case you were wondering, I have now seen each of them more than 500 times. “What is keeping him up, Bill, I don’t know?”
You might be wondering why I’ve got bucket lists on the brain. No, I didn’t just watched the overhyped Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman movie. The flick was decent. But I’ll take Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men and Morgan Freeman in Shawshank any day.
The reason I’m blogging bucket lists today is because of my friends Arik Hanson and Heather Whaling. It started earlier this week when HW earned her client, Zaarly, a front page story in the Wall Street Journal. She Facebooked that she could now cross a front page WSJ placement off her bucket list. And that led to this post where Arik shared his own bucket list and asked others to share there’s.
What I noticed in the Facebook and blog comments was how supportive everyone has been toward each other. Congrats for crossing an item off the list. Or encouragement to achieve the next goal. That support is a microcosm for why I value the relationships I’ve built through social media so much. And it’s why I’m sharing my professional bucket list here. And hope you’ll share yours too.
2. Find the cause I’m most passionate about to devote volunteer PR services to. I’ve had the privilege of helping out nonprofit boards here and there. But I’m still looking for that cause I can latch onto for a lifetime.
3. Sell in and manage a offline WOM brand ambassador program. Almost everyone in PR can talk your ear off about influencers. Not enough of us are focused on our brand’s real fans — the ambassadors. See the Fiskateers or Markers Mark.
4. Have a panel selected for SXSW. This is the second year I’ve presented and received a no-go. Already thinking about ideas for 2013.
5. Become an agency partner. I’m not that big on titles. But to make agency partner, you have to be a team player. Someone colleagues and clients can trust. That’s important to me.
6. Make someone laugh every day. Work is too stressful and life is too short not to have some fun while we’re at it. Making people laugh is an important part of my job, IMO.
7. Keep writing. An article for Harvard Business Review. A post for Mashable. And turn Justin Case You Were Wondering into an AdAge Top 200 blog.
8. Do work for Southwest Airlines. We all have brand crushes, right? Ask anyone in my office. Southwest is mine. I love everything the brand stands for and would love the opportunity to work with the people at Southwest someday.
9. Help a client transition effectively from silos to integrated marketing communications. This one is happening currently. Very exciting and rewarding to watch.
10. Be a mentor. I would not be where I am in my career without my mentor and others who have taken the time to teach me and share their experiences. Whether it’s through teaching, speaking or just being a positive manager, I want to provide that type of help and guidance for someone(s).
As I started writing, I found out that I’ve had this list in my head for a while. But it’s still evolving. What’s on your list? What do you need help crossing off?
This is awesome. I loved your list!
alexismdavis Thanks so much. Will we be seeing yours soon? :)
My latest conversation: Kudos to Fox 4 for using Don's death to talk about depression
JGoldsboroughalexismdavis Hope so but I have to graduate first! May 2013!
This is a great list. If you even achieved half of these it would be a huge success!
Now all this bucket list talk has me seriously thinking about getting my "what I'd love to have happen in life" thoughts spelled out. I think I'm going to save my post to closer to New Year's because I love the idea of throwing out New Year's resolutions for an ongoing bucket list that you constantly add to and cross things off as you accomplish them.
Nikki_Little That is a cool idea. Like that a lot. Maybe we can all put our lists out there as New Year's resolutions and then revisit at the end of the year, see what we accomplished.
I hope the Royals put beating Verlander on their bucket list :).
JGoldsborough Definitely should revisit them at the end of next year and see how far we got.
You and your baseball smack talking! ;)
Nikki_Little I do love to talk some baseball smack :). But I'm serious -- I would love for us to beat him just once next year.
My latest conversation: Kudos to Fox 4 for using Don's death to talk about depression
Write with passion... This is the best thing that helps me keep on loving writing.
My latest conversation: Luxury Chalets
LauLau81 Yep, that's a good one to live by. Thanks for sharing!
I like that a lot of your bucket list is around writing and teamwork. I will tell you your #1 goal isn't hard to achieve, but it's A LOT of work. I recommend doing it BEFORE you make partner.
My latest conversation: How Often Should I Send Email Newsletters?
ginidietrich "Before you make partner." You're the best, ginidietrich . I would love to pick your brain sometime about the writing process and what you've learned. Maybe once you finish the book? Let me know. I know you could teach me a lot about the appraoach, which is where I have the most questions. Cheers!
JGoldsborough Oh you'll make partner. No doubt about it.
My latest conversation: Make Better Broth: Quality Over Quantity
JGoldsborough And, of course, I'm happy to answer any questions!
My latest conversation: Make Better Broth: Quality Over Quantity
ginidietrich Thanks, GD. Perhaps we can ask and answer over a #52CommsMixup interview :). Really would value hearing your perspective for sure.
Rock on, brotha.
I've gotten too out of the loop with you guys -- I've been awful about reading blogs (or hell, writing them). This looks like a stellar list and a useful exercise.
I should send you a picture of my dining room wall. I've literally plastered it with sheets of paper, each with a list on it. "People I hope to meet," "Accomplishments I hope to achieve," "Things I hope to learn," etc. Not sure if it was intentional that I included "...I hope to..." on all of them, but the lists have been a great way to visualize my goals, large and small. They're in my face, so they'll never lapse from memory and I can't escape accountability.
Go get 'em, man. You'll cross off this list and refill it sooner than you think.
ScottHepburn Thanks for the kind words. Love that process you have going. Would make for a great picture. Does that mean we'll be seeing a bucket list post from you soon, scotthepburn ?
I'm with you on the reading blogs part. I have really been struggling to fit that into my schedule as much as I used to. Guess I need to add "get up before 6 every weekday" to my bucket list :).
JGoldsboroughScottHepburn Alas, no bucket list post coming from me anytime soon. I gotta get my blogging house in order. Oy.
I've noticed I'm reading fewer PR and marketing blogs (aka, my friends and professional influences) and reading more blogs that fit my clients' interests. I miss the great discussions we get into within our industry. I think I need a clone (hmm...or maybe employees).
ScottHepburn Hear you on the clone need :).
What a fantastic list! I think mine would look very similar. Keep doing what you're doing and I have no doubt you'll be able to cross all of these things off your bucket list very soon.
ElizabethSkeens Thanks, lizskeens . Nice of you to say. Would love to see what you're list would look like. Maybe a post in your future? These lists definitely provide more insight into our peers and friends. I think that's one of the coolest things about them.
Nice list, J. I'm pretty sure you can cross 6 and 10 off. I don't work with you. I'm not in KC every day. But, I think I know you well enough to know you probably make a few folks chuckle at FH each day. And I know you've been a mentor to many, just in the time I've known you.
My latest conversation: What's on your PR bucket list?
arikhanson Thanks for those kind words, arikhanson . I hope that's the case. I could definitely see you as a college professor. Seems like a lot of our friends have an interest in teaching. Perhaps we should start our own university :).
arikhanson We could call it spinsucks U. What do you think, ginidietrich ?
JGoldsborougharikhanson Whoa! Whoa! I'm pretty sure that's copyrighted by some fabulous woman.
My latest conversation: How Often Should I Send Email Newsletters?
arikhanson I can speak from experience that he impacts my work experience every day. Learn so much!
cubanalafarikhanson Aw, very nice of you to say. You all are the best. The encouragement on these bucket lists posts is the coolest part!
A fantastic list, Justin. I think my favorite is probably the making people laugh. It's amazing how much a good belly laugh can do for us; both physically and mentally.
MattLaCasse Yep, I think that one is really important too. Relates back to my whole importance of company cultures point. Which goes back to that book. Man, I need to get started :). Likes your list as well, mattlacasse .