Tag Archives: Deirdre Breakenridge

Guest post over at Deirdre Breakenridge’s place: A pitch to PR to focus more on owned properties

October 12, 2011


TweetShareHi, all. Been traveling this week so I’m taking some time away from the blog. But I did write a couple of guest posts, including this one called “A pitch for PR to focus more on earned properties” over at Deirdre’s blog PR 2.0. Would love to hear your thoughts. Here’s a sneak peek: What [...]

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Competition vs Collaboration

September 20, 2011


TweetShare  Remember those group projects we had to do in college. It was always a group of four. You, one classmate who was fairly reliable, one who thought that everything she said turned to gold, and some dude who signed up for the class specifically because he knew the final was a group project and [...]

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