Tag Archives: Klout

The influence misconception: Whose fault is it anyway?

June 23, 2011


TweetShare                        I’ve been hard on Klout. Maybe too hard. But as a communications professional, I’m worried about our industry. And I think I have reason to be. As my friend Gini Dietrich calls out in the title of her award-winning blog – Spin Sucks. [...]

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Influencers is becoming the new viral

June 4, 2011


TweetShare                      Nails scratching across a chalkboard. Major league hitters that don’t protect the plate with two strikes. My sister watching the movie Grease every day for a whole year (that one’s for you, sis). We’ve all got our pet peeves. Those are some of mine [...]

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Video: Joe Fernandez talks Klout at SXSW

March 14, 2011


TweetShareInfluence is a hot topic at SXSW. Imagine that. And Klout CEO Joe Fernandez was talking about it in the blogger lounge yesterday. Here’s what he had to say:   I caught up with Joe after the interview and had a chance to chat with him briefly. He made a couple of key points: Klout [...]

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The problem with influence scoring platforms

February 24, 2011


TweetShareRecently I was at a social media marketing conference. The final speaker of the day was the owner of a local business. He gave a great presentation. The passion for social media and his work was obvious. He talked about the culture of the company, how they value customer service and how they listen via [...]

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Why Klout scares me; Hint: It’s not the tool itself

December 29, 2010


Klout scares me…a lot. But not because of the tool itself. No, I’m much more scared of the lazy PR and marketing pros who are looking for an easy way out when it comes to tracking influence; one number they can search within less than five minutes, use to prioritize an outreach list and call it a day. You can’t measure the impact of PR/Marketing efforts with one or two numbers. You couldn’t do it (accurately) with impressions and you can’t do it with Klout score either. Both numbers are just one piece of the puzzle, one chapter in the story.

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